What is MDMA?
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) commonly known as Molly, is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception (awareness of surrounding objects and conditions). It is chemically similar to stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception.
It was initially popular in the nightclub scene and at all-night dance parties (“raves”). But the drug now affects a broader range of people, commonly called Ecstasy or Molly. Its chemical structure is similar to amphetamines, such as methamphetamine and a hallucinogen called mescaline. Mescaline is the active ingredient in the drug peyote.
The unique chemical structure of MDMA causes both hallucinogenic and stimulant effects, such as bursts of energy, changes to how time is perceived, and sensitivity to touch. Ecstasy and Molly come in pills, capsules, and powder. They’re well-known club drugs that are popular at music festivals. In 2016, an estimated 2.4 million people reported using ecstasy, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health published in September 2017.
How is MDMA or Molly used?
People who use MDMA usually take it as a capsule or tablet, though some swallow it in liquid form or snort the powder. The popular nickname Molly (slang for “molecular”) often refers to the supposedly “pure” crystalline powder form of Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine , usually sold in capsules. However, people who purchase powder or capsules sold as Molly often actually get other drugs such as synthetic cathinones (“bath salts”) instead (see “Added Risk of MDMA”). Some people take Molly in combination with other drugs such as alcohol or marijuana.
How long does molly last? It varies according to dose
Molly, known scientifically as MDMA, is usually detectable in bodily fluids for one to three days after ingestion. However, it may be detected for up to five days or more in some circumstances. Like other drugs, it’s detectable in hair for several months.
Most fluid-based detection windows are based on a single dose ranging from 50 to 160 milligrams (mg). Higher doses may take longer to leave your system. Detection times are based on the time you last took the drug. Taking multiple doses over a period of several hours can lengthen the detection window. Read on to find out the detection windows for molly in urine, blood, saliva, hair, and more.
How long is it detectable via drug testing?
How long does molly last? Different drug testing methods have different detection windows. These are based on how the drug is absorbed and broken down in the body.
Urine testing
How long does molly last? Molly is detectable in urine one to three days after ingestion. MDMA that enters the bloodstream is carried to the liver, where it’s broken down and excreted. It takes one to two hours before molly is first excreted in the urine. Some research suggests that differences in urine pH can affect how quickly the drug is excreted. Having alkaline (higher-pH) urine is associated with a slower urine excretion rate.
Blood testing
How long does molly last? Molly is detectable in blood one to two days after ingestion. It’s absorbed quickly and is first detectable in blood 15 to 30 minutes after it’s taken. Over time, the drug is transported to the liver where it’s broken down.
Saliva testing
How long does molly last? Molly is detectable in saliva one to two days after ingestion. Since it’s typically taken by mouth, it appears quickly in the saliva. It’s first detectable as early as 15 minutes after ingestion. Its concentration peaks after one and a half to three hours.
Hair testing
How long does molly last? Molly is detectable in hair up to about three months after ingestion. Once in the bloodstream, small amounts of the drug reach the network of tiny blood vessels that feed the hair follicles. Hair grows at a rate of around 1 centimeter (cm) per month, and the segment of hair that tests positive usually corresponds to the time of ingestion.
How long does it take to break down (metabolize)?
After its ingested, molly is absorbed into your intestinal tract. Its concentration peaks around two hours after it’s taken. It’s primarily broken down in the liver, where it’s turned into other chemical compounds called metabolites.
Molly has a half-life of approximately eight hours. After that time, half of the drug has been cleared from your system. It takes about 40 hours for 95 percent of the drug to leave your system. Research suggests that molly’s metabolites can stay in your body for up to six days. However, they usually aren’t measured on conventional drug tests.
What factors affect how long does molly last?
How long does molly last? Molly is absorbed, broken down, and eliminated faster or slower depending on a number of factors. This includes the overall amount ingested and whether it’s taken in single or multiple doses.
Other factors relate to the drug’s chemical composition. Molly or MDMA is frequently laced with other illegal drugs or chemical compounds. Once example of this is ecstasy pills. When it’s combined with other substances, this can affect how long it stays in your system and how long an illicit drug may be detected on a drug screening test.
Finally, a number of individual factors are known to affect drug metabolism. These include:
- Age
- Body mass index (BMI)
- Metabolism
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Denes
Is there anything you can do to metabolize it faster?
There’s nothing you can do to metabolize molly faster. Once it enters your system, your liver needs time to break it down. Drinking water doesn’t flush molly from your system or neutralize its effects. Since molly increases water retention, drinking excess liquids poses a risk of water toxicity (hyponatremia).
Exercising after taking molly can lead to dehydration, which can increase liquid consumption. Molly also affects your heart’s ability to pump blood, which poses risks during exercise.
How long does it take to feel the effects of molly?
People may start to feel the effects of molly 30 minutes after taking it. It takes between one and two hours to feel the drug’s peak effects. Some of molly’s sought-after short-term (acute) effects include:
- Euphoria
- Openness to others
- Extraversion and sociability
- Increased sensory perception
- Increased energy
- Sexual arousal
- Wakefulness
Other short-term effects are negative. Some of these appear alongside the drug high, while others appear after. They can include:
- Muscle tension
- Jaw clenching and teeth grinding
- Hyperactivity and restlessness
- Increase in body temperature
- Increased heart rate
- Increased blood pressure
- Muscle stiffness and pain
- Headache
- Nnausea
- Loss of appetite
- Blurred vision
- Dry mouth
- Insomnia
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety
- Agitation
- Depression
- Lack of focus
- Recklessness
Long-term (chronic) use is associated with other effects that can occur when you’re not under the influence of the drug. These include:
- Memory impairments
- Problems with decision-making
- Increased impulsivity and lack of self-control
- Panic attacks
- Severe depression
- Paranoia and hallucinations
- Psychotic episodes
- Muscle aches
- Tooth damage
- Circulatory problems
- Neurological lesions
How long does it take for the effects to wear off?
It takes about three to six hours for a molly high to wear off, though the effects diminish after two hours. Some people take another dose as the effects of the initial dose fade, prolonging the drug high. Molly’s negative effects tend to appear later and last longer. Mood disruptions such as irritability, anxiety, and depression can last for up to a week after your last dose.
We still don’t know much about the long-term effects of using molly on a regular basis. Some people believe that chronic use can cause lasting and even permanent damage.
Is MDMA Addictive?
While the drug appears to have addictive properties, research hasn’t concluded how addictive ecstasy is. However, it affects the same areas of the brain as other addictive drugs, according to NIDA. In addition, animal studies show that MDMA causes drug-seeking behavior, but animals seek it less often than they desire other addictive drugs. Some evidence indicates that Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine affects parts of the brain in charge of self-control, pleasure, and reward.
Unfortunately, researchers know little about how Molly affects the brain. As a result, their understanding of how other drugs lead to addiction is broader. On the other hand, people who use Molly have reported classic symptoms of addiction, including cravings, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms, and some continue to use the drug despite negative consequences.
Treatment for MDMA Dependence and Addiction
Ecstasy is one of the less addictive stimulants and one of the more addictive hallucinogens. The number of people who listed ecstasy as their primary reason for going to rehab in 2015 was comparable to the number for all other hallucinogens combined, according to the 2005-2015 Treatment Episode Data Set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—in contrast, more than 60 times as many people sought treatment for methamphetamine addiction than ecstasy addiction that year. No medications are available for the treatment of stimulant addiction. That is why NIDA recommends cognitive behavioral therapy and support groups for people struggling to quit Molly.
Reclaim Your Life From MDMA Addiction
How long does molly last? Is usually detectable in bodily fluids for one to three days after ingestion. MDMA Addiction is a condition that can cause major health, social, and even economic problems that should not be taken lightly. We Level Up California can provide you, or someone you love, the tools to recover from MDMA addiction with professional and safe treatment. Feel free to call us to speak with one of our counselors. We can inform you about this condition by giving you relevant information. Our specialists know what you are going through. Please know that each call is private and confidential.
[1] Abraham TT, et al. (2009). Urinary MDMA, MDA, HMMA, and HMA excretion following controlled MDMA administration to humans.
[2] De la Torre R, et al. (2000). Pharmacology of MDMA in humans.
[3] Kalant H. (2001). The pharmacology and toxicology of “ecstasy” (MDMA) and related drugs.
[4] MDMA (Ecstasy) abuse. (2018).
[5] MDMA/ecstasy abuse. (2017).
[6] Valtier S, et al. (2007). Analysis of MDMA and its metabolites in urine and plasma following a neurotoxic dose of MDMA.