
Date Rape Drugs Rohypnol, GHB & Ketamine. Symptoms, Effects & How To Recognize A Date Rape Drug

What Is A Date Rape Drug? Date rape drugs are used to make a person more vulnerable to sexual assault and easier to attack. Sometimes, one or more drugs are used to distract a person so they become unaware of what’s going on and unable to protect themselves. These drugs are often secretly slipped into […]

What Is A Date Rape Drug?

Date rape drugs are used to make a person more vulnerable to sexual assault and easier to attack. Sometimes, one or more drugs are used to distract a person so they become unaware of what’s going on and unable to protect themselves. These drugs are often secretly slipped into someone’s drink.

The most well-known date rape drugs include the following:

  • Rohypnol (flunitrazepam): is prescribed to people with sleep and anxiety disorders in other countries, but it’s not approved for medical use in the United States. It’s commonly called roofies or R-2.
  • GHB or gamma hydroxybutyric acid: is sometimes prescribed to treat narcolepsy. It’s also called cherry meth, liquid E, or scoop.
  • Ketamine: is used during surgical procedures. It may be called vitamin K, cat valium, Kit Kat, or special K.

Less Commonly Used Date Rape Drugs Include:

  • Ecstasy, also called Molly, X, and E
  • LSD, commonly called acid
  • Clonazepam (Klonopin)
  • Alprazolam (Xanax)

Date Rape Drugs & Symptoms

When a date rape drug begins to cause symptoms and how long they last depend on how much you are given and whether it’s mixed with alcohol or other drugs. Alcohol can make the effects even stronger. Symptoms of date rape drugs generally include dizziness, confusion, and loss of memory.


Rohypnol drug (Flunitrazepam) is a Benzodiazepine with general properties similar to those of other Central Nervous System Depressants like Valium. In Europe and South America, the drug is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia and sleep disorders. Like with many drugs used to facilitate sleep, users of the Rohypnol drug may develop an addiction. A powerful tranquilizer that is capable of rendering someone unconscious within minutes.

The most common names for Rohypnol are Roofies, Forget-Me Drug, Date Rape Drug, Roche, and Ruffles. Teenagers and young adults, primarily individuals aged 13 to 30, are the principal users of Rohypnol. Most users are male. The drug is popular on high school and college campuses and at raves and clubs. According to the University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future survey, nearly 2% of high school seniors in the US report having used the Rohypnol drug at least once in the past year.

Date Rape Drug
Rohypnol used to come as a white tablet that didn’t have a smell or taste. Drug companies now make it a light green pill with a blue core. If someone puts it in a clear drink, the liquid turns blue. Some generic pills may not have blue dye.

The effects are typically felt within 30 minutes and include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Feeling very drunk, even if you’ve only had one drink
  • Dizziness
  • Unconsciousness
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Blackouts
  • Lowered blood pressure


GHB or Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (C4H8O3) is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant that is commonly referred to as a “club drug” or “date rape” drug. GHB is abused by young adults at bars, parties, clubs, and “raves” (all-night dance parties) and is often placed in alcoholic beverages. Euphoria increased sex drive and tranquility is reported positive effects of GHB abuse. It can produce effects ranging from euphoria (at low doses) to blackouts and amnesia.

The chemical compound became famous as a surgical anesthetic in the 1960s, then gained notoriety as a party drug and fat burner in the 1980s. The body produces small amounts of GHB naturally in the brain. Some meats, beer, and wine also contain GHB; the average liter of wine holds between 4 mg and 21 mg of GHB. Conversely, illicit GHB confiscated from clubs, and street sales commonly have between 500 mg and 3,000 mg of GHB. Aside from the substance of abuse, the GHB drug is also known as a date rape drug because of its sedative side effects and because it can be easily slipped into drinks.

The effects of GHB start in about 15 minutes. A tiny amount of GHB can have a major effect. GHB can cause these symptoms:

Date Rape Drug
GHB is usually a liquid that can be mixed with other liquids. It also comes as a powder. Neither form has a smell or a taste.
  • Drowsiness and dizziness
  • Vision problems
  • Feelings of relaxation
  • Increased sensuality
  • Seizures
  • Memory loss
  • Slow heart rate
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blackouts
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Sweating

Street Names For GHB Drug Include:

  • Gamma Oh
  • Georgia Home Boy
  • Great Hormones At Bedtime
  • Grievous Bodily Harm
  • Growth Hormone Booster
  • Liquid Ecstasy
  • Liquid X
  • Salty Water
  • Sleep
  • Vita G

A Xyrem is a medication with GHB used to treat narcolepsy, it is strictly regulated as a Schedule III substance and not available in regular retail pharmacies. On the other hand, Illicit GHB is created by street drug manufacturers and frequently sold on the internet as a Hallucinogen. It can be found as a colorless, odorless liquid or a white powder that may have a soapy or salty taste.


Ketamine is an anesthetic that acts quickly to cause feelings of relaxation. Victims may lose consciousness or be confused and compliant. They might not remember what happened while under the influence of the drug. Unlike most other date rape drugs, ketamine acts almost immediately. A victim may not have time to realize they have been drugged.

At high doses, ketamine can cause breathing problems that may be fatal. Ketamine comes as a white powder that may change the taste of someone’s drink. Consequently, perpetrators sometimes use it in strong-tasting alcoholic beverages that may disguise the drug’s presence.

Ketamine begins to take effect very quickly, sometimes just a minute after ingestion. It can lead to:

Date Rape Drug
Ketamine is a clear liquid or an off-white powder that’s often injected. You can’t smell or taste it.
  • Distorted perceptions of sight and sound
  • Out-of-body or dream-like experiences
  • Problems breathing
  • Loss of coordination
  • Convulsions
  • Numbness
  • Violent behavior
  • High blood pressure

At high doses, these drugs may even cause death.

What Do Date Rape Drugs Do To Your Body?

Date rape drugs are powerful. Rohypnol is a central nervous system depressant or tranquilizer. GHB was formerly used as an anesthetic, and ketamine is a painkiller and anesthetic. In general, they cause drowsiness, slow your heart rate, and have a sedative effect on the body.

The resulting loss of inhibition, impaired judgment, and memory loss are reasons why these drugs are used in the rape. They are sometimes called “paralyzing” since the person often loses muscle control and is unable to move or call for help.

How Can You Recognize A Date Rape Drug?

Most date rape drugs are colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It may be impossible to tell if your drink has one in it. Ketamine comes in liquid, powder, or capsule form. GHB is made as both a white powder and a colorless, odorless liquid. GHB sometimes tastes a bit salty.

Rohypnol comes as a white, dime-sized pill that dissolves quickly in liquids. The manufacturer has changed the formulation so that when dissolved in liquid, it turns the liquid blue. This might help someone spot whether their drink has been tampered with. Generic versions of the pill don’t have this feature.

What Do Date Rape Drugs Look Like?

  • GHB: is usually a liquid that can be mixed with other liquids. It also comes as a powder. Neither form has a smell or a taste.
  • Rohypnol: used to come as a white tablet that didn’t have a smell or taste. Drug companies now make it as a light green pill with a blue core. If someone puts it in a clear drink, the liquid turns blue. Some generic pills may not have the blue dye.
  • Ketamine: is a clear liquid or an off-white powder that’s often injected. You can’t smell or taste it.

How Can You Protect Yourself From Date Rape Drugs?

Protecting yourself doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the party, you just have to exercise a few precautions when it comes to what you drink:

  • Don’t take drinks from other people
  • Open containers yourself
  • Watch your drink being poured or mixed at a bar and carry it yourself
  • If you need to go to the bathroom, take your drink with you; if you can’t, leave it with a trusted friend
  • Don’t drink anything that tastes or smells odd
  • If you’ve left your drink unattended, pour it out
  • If you feel very drunk after you only had a small amount of alcohol, or none at all, seek help right away

Get Help With We Level Up California

Keep in mind that alcohol in large doses can also make someone unconscious and unable to defend themselves. Recognizing the symptoms of date rape drugs and keeping an eye out for intoxicated friends can go a long way.

Date rape can happen to anyone, so understanding the signs and symptoms of drugs used to assist with date rape and ways to protect yourself is essential. If you think you have been a victim of date rape or sexual assault, get medical attention right away. Don’t bathe or change your clothing before you go, so the hospital can collect evidence. Tell the police everything you can remember.

We Level Up California can provide you with any information you may need about date rape drugs. Feel free to call us to speak with one of our counselors. We can inform you about these drugs by giving you relevant information. Our specialists know what you are going through. Please know that each call is private and confidential.