Marijuana Rehab California

If you are looking for Marijuana rehab in California, reach out to We Level Up CA. We can help you detox from marijuana and teach you effective coping skills for a life free from addiction.

Many people believe that marijuana is completely harmless. However, while it may not carry some of the risks associated with other substances, marijuana still leads to harmful effects, especially when use becomes heavy or compulsive. It is very important you seek our marijuana rehab in California as soon as you recognize the signs of addiction. We Level Up California will show what signs to look for, what marijuana does to you, and how we will help you overcome your dependency. Contact us today, join our marijuana rehab California is proud to have, and let us guide you to a substance-free life!

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Why Choose We Level Up California for Marijuana Rehab

We have over 15 years of experience in helping people with addiction. We know what works, what you need, and how to give you the right support.

We Are ASAM Certified

We have a special ASAM Level 3.7 certification. But what does this mean for you?

This certificate, given by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, means that we are equipped to handle serious medical and mental health needs. This level of care means you get 24/7 medical supervision, intensive therapy, and a team approach to your treatment. If you’re dealing with tough withdrawal symptoms or other health problems, this is the place that knows how to help.

This certification also means we meet high treatment quality standards. We have to follow specific treatment rules, employ skilled medical staff, regularly check how you are doing, and always look for ways to improve. It shows we are dedicated to ensuring you are safe, feel well, and are on the way to overcoming the toughest parts of addiction.

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Even if you have failed previously and relapsed, or are in the middle of a difficult crisis, we stand ready to support you. Our trusted behavioral health specialists will not give up on you. When you feel ready or just want someone to speak to about therapy alternatives to change your life call us. Even if we cannot assist you, we will lead you to wherever you can get support. There is no obligation. Call our hotline today.

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You Get a Treatment Plan Made Just for You

Your situation is unique. This means we also have to approach your situation uniquely and personalize our marijuana abuse treatment in California. We use therapies that are backed by research and holistic approaches. In other words, we use methods that are proven to work and also include treatments that take care of your whole self, not just the addiction part. This way, we help you heal both your body and mind.

A person holding marijuana
Joining our marijuana rehab California will help you.

What You Need to Know About Marijuana

Marijuana, also known as weed, pot, or cannabis, is a plant that people use for different reasons. Some people use it for medical purposes, like to ease pain or help with sleep, because it has chemicals that can help with health issues. Others might use it just to relax or have a good time, as it can make you feel more relaxed or see things in a different, sometimes funnier, light.

So, what does THC do to the brain? THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, creates a “high” that affects the brain in several ways, including altering moods, impairing short-term memory, and changing perceptions of time and senses. It can also impact decision-making abilities and motor coordination, making activities like driving unsafe.

Ryan Zofay forming a circle and hugging friends.

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Does Marijuana Cause Addiction?

Yes! You might think it is less harmful compared to other substances, but marijuana leads to addiction. In fact, about 30% of people who use marijuana might develop a marijuana use disorder to some extent. This happens when using marijuana becomes a central part of your life. That’s when it causes problems with health, happiness, and daily responsibilities.

Is Marijuana Harmful?

Marijuana use, especially when frequent or heavy, can come with a range of risks and negative effects. Here are some of the dangers associated with its use:

  • Mental health issues: Regular marijuana use has been linked to an increase in anxiety, depression, and the risk of psychotic episodes.
  • Cognitive impairment: It might harm your memory, attention, and decision-making, which may impact your academic and work performance.
  • Respiratory problems: Smoking marijuana regularly can lead to lung irritation and an increased risk of bronchitis and lung infections.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of marijuana significantly increases the risk of traffic accidents due to delayed reaction times and impaired judgment.
  • Impact on young users: For adolescents and young adults, regular marijuana use can interfere with brain development, potentially leading to permanent reductions in IQ and cognitive abilities.
A person going through mental health issues before joining our marijuana rehab California relies on
After our marijuana rehab in California, you will improve your private and professional lives.

How Long Does THC Stay in Your Body?

How long does THC stay in system? The answer to this question can vary based on several factors, such as how often you use marijuana, how strong it is, and how you use it. Generally speaking, here is some information:

  • Blood: THC appears in the blood a few hours after use but fades within a few days, making it detectable only for a short period, especially in infrequent users.
  • Urine: THC can stay in the urine of casual users for up to four days, but in heavy users, it may linger and be detectable for days to weeks due to accumulation in fat cells.
  • Saliva: Detectable within hours of use, THC remains in saliva for 24 to 72 hours, targeting recent consumption.

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Renowned California Addiction Center. Serene Private Facilities. Inpatient rehab programs vary.

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How Many Californians Use Marijuana?

In California, during the years 2018 to 2019, the prevalence of marijuana use among different age groups on an annual average was:

  • Ages 12 to 17: 15.8%
  • Ages 18 to 25: 40.4%
  • Ages 26 and older: 17.3%

When Is the Time to Explore Marijuana Rehab Centers in California?

We will give you some insights. You have a problem with marijuana if you:

  • Use more marijuana than intended or over a longer period than planned.
  • Try and fail to cut down or control use.
  • Spend a lot of time obtaining, using, or recovering from marijuana.
  • Crave or have a strong desire to use marijuana.
  • Fail to fulfill major roles at work, school, or home due to marijuana use.
  • Continue to use marijuana despite it causing problems in relationships.
  • Give up important social, occupational, or recreational activities because of marijuana.
  • Use marijuana in situations where it’s physically hazardous.
  • Need more marijuana to get the same effect or notice less effect with the same amount (tolerance).
  • Experience withdrawal symptoms when not using marijuana, which can be relieved by taking more of the drug.

Explore Our Programs for Marijuana Abuse Treatment in California

At We Level Up CA, one of the most reliable drug rehab centers in California, we are here to guide you to a sober life. We have programs for marijuana rehab in California that address your unique needs and help you heal.

Inpatient SUD Program

When you complete detox, it is time to move into the residential treatment phase. Here, at inpatient rehab in California, you will meet other people with the same struggles and goals as you. Together, you will take part in many activities and services that will help you heal and grow.

During marijuana rehab in California at We Level Up California, you will get to take part in wellness and fitness activities that are very good for your physical health. Also, we have family programs where you can start working on the relationships you might have affected due to your addiction. In addition, we will assess your dietary needs and make sure you are getting the right nutrition.

Here, we care about your mental health. We have individual therapy sessions, group therapy focused on substance use, and integrated support to help you with any mental health issue you are facing. Regular medical check-ups during marijuana rehab in California ensure your body is keeping up with your recovery.

During marijuana abuse treatment in California, we use what is proven to work. This includes therapies like mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, among others. They will give you the best chance to get sober.

A therapist taking notes during a session at our marijuana rehab in California
Our experts will guide you through our marijuana rehab in California.

Comprehensive Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Chances are, you are not only struggling with addiction. You are probably going through issues with your mental health as well. If we focus only on getting rid of the addiction and fail to deal with your mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, we will not take care of the root of the problem. Sooner or later, the same problem—or maybe a new one—will pop up because the root cause wasn’t fully addressed. We do not aim for a quick fix. We want to see you heal and achieve real, lasting sobriety.

World-class, Accredited, 5-Star Reviewed, Effective Addiction & Mental Health Programs. Complete Behavioral Health Inpatient Rehab, Detox plus Co-occuring Disorders Therapy.

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Aftercare Services

Once you’re out of one of the best marijuana rehab centers California has, the world doesn’t stop changing, and challenges don’t magically disappear. That’s why we offer aftercare services. We want to make sure you keep standing strong, even when life outside tries to push you back into old habits.

Alumni Program

Join our alumni program and get the support you need after marijuana rehab in California. You will get a network of support, understanding, and mutual growth. You will experience deep connections when you make friends with people who are also trying to recover. This will make you stronger, braver, and more accountable.

Our alumni program includes follow-up calls to check on your progress, volunteer opportunities to give back and stay engaged, access to the 24-hour helpline for those moments when you need support the most, and special events that celebrate your journey in a healthy, substance-free way.

A group therapy session during our marijuana rehab in California
Support is an important part of marijuana rehab in California.

Support for Families

When you are struggling with marijuana and taking part in marijuana rehab in California, it is not your battle only. Your whole family feels it. That’s why bringing families into group therapy makes so much sense. You all get to share your stories, hear from others in similar situations, and realize you have people who care for you.

Group therapy for families is like a team meeting for everyone touched by marijuana use. It’s a place where you and your family can open up, learn, and grow together as you tackle the challenge of marijuana use head-on.

These sessions are super helpful because they teach everyone involved. You’ll learn about the ins and outs of marijuana use—not just the surface stuff but the deep-down, tricky parts that make quitting tough. This helps everyone understand each other better and builds a kinder, more supportive home feeling.

Get Help Immediately

Waiting too long is risky. Start your marijuana abuse treatment in California as soon as possible. Here is why:

  • You will have health problems. If you don’t get help, you might start facing some serious health issues, both in your body and your mind. Things like feeling super anxious or down can get worse.
  • Life gets harder. Your job, school, or relationships can start to feel the strain. Stuff that used to be easy for you might start feeling really tough.
  • It’s harder to break free: The longer you wait, the more marijuana gets its hooks into your life, making it tougher to quit later on.

Here is how marijuana abuse treatment in California will help:

  • You will stop problems before they grow. Getting help early can keep a small problem from turning into a big one. It’s like stopping a snowball before it turns into an avalanche.
  • Recovery is easier. When you start dealing with addiction early, you haven’t faced the worst of it yet. This can mean a smoother road to getting better.
  • You will be healthier and happier. You can dodge a lot of health issues and keep your life on track by getting help sooner rather than later. You will clean up and get a better chance at a happy life.

How to Start with Marijuana Rehab California

It is very simple to join our marijuana rehab in California. Here are the steps:

  • Welcome chat and assessment: Your first step to a new beginning starts with a simple, supportive conversation with us.
  • Insurance check: We’ll quickly check your coverage to keep things moving smoothly.
  • Flexible payment solutions: Finding the right payment option for you hassle-free.
  • Your personal guide: Meet your dedicated consultant, who is here to smooth out your journey to recovery.
  • Your ride to recovery: Coming from afar? We’ve got your travel to us covered.
  • The first day of your new life: Warm welcomes await as you take the first step towards a healthier you.

Call us at (855) 695-1160 and get all the details about marijuana rehab in California you need.

Insurance We Accept for Marijuana Rehab in California

At We Level Up California, we accept:

A group of people walking on the beach after completing our marijuana rehab in California
Marijuana rehab centers in California will help you achieve your goals.

We Level Up California Will Help You Quit Marijuana Usage

As one of the best marijuana rehab centers California has, we will help you overcome addiction. When you stop using marijuana, you will notice your mood lifting and anxiety levels dropping. You will be more energized and motivated, too. This will make your hobbies and social activities more enjoyable. Your lungs will thank you, you will breathe more easily, and you’ll probably cough less. At work, you could find things going smoother when your head’s clearer and you’re more motivated. Health-wise, quitting marijuana can lead you to make healthier choices in general, like working out more or getting better sleep. Therefore, seek help now. Contact We Level Up California today and take back control over your life and choices.

FAQ Section

Can marijuana affect my physical health?

Yes, smoking weed can harm your lungs and make breathing hard. It can also make your heart beat faster, which might increase the chance of a heart attack, especially if you already have heart issues. Moreover, smoking weed can make you eat more or less than usual and could affect your ability to have children. Joining our program for marijuana rehab in California will help you prevent this.

Is it possible to overdose on marijuana?

It’s very rare to take too much weed and die from it. However, using a lot of it might make you feel very anxious and scared or see things that aren’t there. Sometimes, it can make you act in harmful ways because it’s harder to make good decisions.

How can I support a loved one who is trying to quit marijuana?

To help someone stop using weed, be kind and support them without being harsh. Cheer on their efforts to stop, help them find experts who can help, and be patient while they try to quit. Learning more about the challenges of quitting weed and marijuana rehab in California can also help you be a better supporter.

How does marijuana abuse affect mental health?

Marijuana abuse has been linked to several mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and, in some cases, psychosis. Especially in individuals with a predisposition to these conditions, marijuana use can exacerbate symptoms or contribute to the onset of such disorders.

How does marijuana abuse impact physical health?

Chronic marijuana use has been associated with various physical health problems, including respiratory issues (similar to those caused by smoking tobacco), increased heart rate (which can increase the risk of heart attack), and potential impacts on brain development when use begins in adolescence.

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Voluntarily testimonials from the We Level Up Treatment Center network vary. Not intended as a guaranteed treatment or outcome as each person's journey is unique.

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