Alcoholic Relapse After Long Term Sobriety: Navigating the Challenges

Navigating the challenges of alcoholic relapse after long-term sobriety can be daunting. Understanding the triggers and creating a solid support system are crucial steps in managing and overcoming this setback. Explore effective strategies and receive practical advice from We Level Up California. Reach out to us and let us help you face this difficult journey.

Long term sobriety refers to staying sober for an extended period of time. While some people manage to stay sober for years, some, unfortunately, experience a relapse. Alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety is a specific challenge but one that can be successfully addressed. Furthermore, there are strategies that can be implemented to prevent going back to drinking after long term sobriety.

Some of the key factors relate to the support system and healthy coping mechanisms. Lacking them is a risk factor while establishing them is a protective factor that prevents relapses. This is why We Level Up California, in addition to all rehab services, also offers an alumni program that helps develop a support system even after inpatient recovery.

The Reality of Long-Term Sobriety

Long-term sobriety is difficult to precisely define, as there is no true measure for it. No one ever defined what long-term entails other than an extended period of time. For someone who has struggled with the addiction, this might not even be important, as every day means a new challenge, and although it might become somewhat easier with time, the struggle never truly goes away. 

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Although rehabilitation processes are very successful, due to many triggers and individual factors, the number of people experiencing alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety is still quite high. Global research shows extremely high relapse rates for substance abuse, including alcohol abuse, ranging from 56.8% to 81.8%. Some reports also show that the risk of relapse is higher for those with co-occurring mental health issues. 

How someone goes back to drinking after long term sobriety is no longer a mystery. Oftent, the same factors that lead to alcoholism trigger a relapse if they aren´t addressed properly. Inadequate recovery programs—in many cases, some forms of self-recovery—address only symptoms and not underlying causes, resulting in alcoholic relapse when sufficient triggers present themselves.

An alcoholic drink symbolizing alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety.
Alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety is impacted by many triggers.

Major Triggers for Alcoholic Relapse After Long Term Sobriety

Knowing how challenging the recovery process for alcoholism is and what a negative impact alcohol consumption has, people might wonder why someone turns to drinking after long term sobriety. Many factors can contribute to relapse, and it´s important to understand them in order to address them properly and prevent their impact in the future.

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Here are some frequent triggers for alcohol relapse:

  • Complacency and overconfidence: Being sober long-term can, with time, lead to confidence when it comes to alcohol consumption. For some, it´s healthy confidence that helps them stay on track. However, some become overly confident and might start thinking that a single drink can´t impact them or lead to repeated use. More often than not, the opposite happens, and they end up with alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety.
  • Major life changes and stress: This is especially important for those who develop alcohol problems while trying to cope with stress and life challenges. When life becomes too demanding and things become overwhelming, people can turn to coping mechanisms that are familiar but dangerous. This tendency to go back to what seemingly worked in the past can result in giving up on sobriety.
  • Overwhelming emotions and lack of coping mechanisms: Similarly to the previous trigger, dealing with unknown or exaggerated emotions can easily turn into dysfunctional behavior. If poor coping mechanisms were established or no skills were developed during the rehabilitation period, it is more likely that a person will lack the capacity to deal with negative emotions properly. 
  • Unhealthy and non-supportive environment: Recovery is an ongoing process that does not end with inpatient rehab but continues after the person reintegrates into society. Having a supportive environment is crucial at this point, and a lack of it can act as a trigger. Instead of helping social circles, the existence of peer pressure or family issues can easily undermine the recovery process, even long after it ends.

Alcoholic Relapse Preventive Measures and Coping Strategies

To prevent alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety or deal with it once it happens, you should continue to work on long term recovery. There are a few strategies professionals recommend, many of which find their support in scientific research. Having social support, staying affiliated with programs, and being reminded of negative consequences of alcohol consumption are identified as key elements for long-term sobriety. 

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Building a sober and supportive community is often named as a crucial element for long-term sobriety. Creating strong and honest relationships with your loved ones, friends, and family, and even getting involved with the local community, can become a pillar for your sobriety, as you can always count on someone to talk problems through or simply vent when things become overwhelming. 

Staying continuously involved in recovery programs, going to psychotherapy, or finding other support groups that work for you can become a way to keep yourself in check and find support outside of your immediate circle. Being reminded of the negative aspects of alcohol consumption and the impact it has on your life serves as an additional motivator to stay on the right path.

Finally, even small changes in daily functioning, like having a schedule, eating well, or avoiding triggering places, can go a long way. Most people benefit from establishing a healthy routine and developing healthy habits, like meditation and exercise. Still, when these strategies are not enough, you can always turn to a professional for aid.

Two people talking to a medical professional.
Professional staff can help develop strategies for preventing alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety.

The Role of Professional Help in Preventing Alcoholic Relapse

Many think of professional help only while struggling with alcohol abuse or after experiencing alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety. However, it´s important to keep the topic of addiction and sobriety alive, as information can be a resource and a source of motivation. It can prevent drinking after long term sobriety and help maintain an alcohol-free life. Professionals and alcoholism experts can play a vital role in informing and aiding people struggling with alcohol abuse. 

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To help spread reliable information and educate the public, campaigns like alcohol awareness month play a significant role. Initiatives like this bring people together and destigmatize the topic, allowing people to shed light on the problem of alcoholism and encourage them to seek help on time. 

Sharing alcohol statistics in California warns about the impact of alcohol use in this state. For instance, on average, over 15,000 Californians lose their lives due to excessive alcohol consumption. Following trends related to alcohol consumption helps create public policies and capacities to fight this ever-growing problem. 

Ensuring a safe, well-rounded, and medically supervised alcohol detox in California is another way professionals can help those who turned to drinking after long term sobriety. Whether you are considering rehab for the first time or after having a relapse, detoxification is a crucial step to getting your life back.

Choosing to do it as a part of a California inpatient alcohol rehab program significantly improves the chances of maintaining long-term sobriety by offering a supportive environment as well as psychotherapy and recovery coaching sessions as empowering tools. 

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Although some manage to get back on track on their own, it comes at a great cost, frequently involves relapses, and requires a lot of time. Opting for medical and professional help instead significantly improves the experience and contributes to preventing alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety. 

Word NO written on a person´s palm.
You have the power to say no to drinking after long term sobriety.

Prevent Drinking After Long Term Sobriety: Keep on Fighting for Your Life

Sobriety is an ongoing battle, and alcoholic relapse after long term sobriety is a possibility. It´s important to understand that this is in no way a representation of who you are as a person, but rather a testimony of difficult times. You were already able to overcome your addiction and fight for a better life, showing you have the ability to say no and stick to it.

This might seem as a very challenging task when addressing it alone, so ensure you get all the help you need. Stay informed, surround yourself with supportive and loving people, and seek professional help when you feel it´s necessary. We Level Up California can be your source of education, guidance, and long-term support for you and your family. We can help you keep fighting for life satisfaction and happiness.

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“Alcohol Abuse Statistics [2022]: National + State Data.” NCDAS,

Laudet, Alexandre B., et al. “Pathways to Long-Term Recovery: A Preliminary Investigation.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, vol. 34, no. 3, Sept. 2002, pp. 305–311,,

Lo, T. Wing, et al. “Substance Abuse and Public Health: A Multilevel Perspective and Multiple Responses.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17, no. 7, 10 Apr. 2020, p. 2610,

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