California Rehab for Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Inpatient Rehab Facility

California Rehab
California Rehab Center

Inpatient Addiction Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Southern California Rehab

The We Level up California Rehab offers clinical and therapeutic treatment for addiction that sets our patients up for success. Not only during their inpatient stay but also when they leave our facility. Among the most crucial elements of treatment is to first identify old patterns of behavior that have led patients to abuse drugs and alcohol in the first place. Thereafter our addiction professionals identify the triggers creating an addict’s need to use, and come up with new coping mechanisms. We educate, train, and reinforce new behaviors to replace prior negative coping mechanisms that led to using drugs and alcohol.

While many treatment centers attempt this, not all are well trained in complex addiction illnesses. Attacking only part of the addiction issue is not enough for many clients. Often, treatment using the correct combination of dual diagnosis primary substance abuse along with secondary mental health one-on-one therapy along with peer group therapy is required. That’s why our specialists work with clients to identify their prior ineffective coping methods. And through intensive therapy, our addiction specialists can show patients how these can be replaced with positive coping mechanisms for long-term recovery.

Our addiction pros know that many patients become entirely accepting of their negative chemical dependency coping to mental health stressors by abusing drugs and alcohol. While many patients feel there is truly no other option than using, our programs work to educate, retrain and treat each patient to realize they can regain control over their addiction. We Level Up California rehab’s clinicians help patients realize they have a way out. Our inpatient rehab programs are designed to provide structure, stability while cultivating responsibility for each patient. Patients that partake in our program benefit from various treatment sessions each week in a healthy atmosphere to call home.

What is Inpatient California Rehab?

There are an estimated 17 million adults with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Sadly, the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that only 1 of every ten seek or receive any treatment. Part of the reason for such dismal numbers is that most individuals aren’t aware that they have a drinking problem. Others don’t want to undergo inpatient rehab programs due to several reasons.

Alcoholism is a severe and debilitating disease that will progressively get worse the longer it goes untreated. Exhibiting even one of these behaviors can be indicative of potentially dangerous alcohol addiction. An alcohol rehabilitation center can help mitigate the unpleasant withdrawal effects and help with behavioral therapy for this chronic relapsing brain disorder.

Drug and alcohol inpatient rehab centers serve several functions related to addiction treatment and recovery. Recovery starts with getting sober and is a part of your life indefinitely. And then, after you stop drinking or using, you still have a lifelong challenge of staying clean and sober. So, you will need a solid commitment. Providing therapy, education, and support for recovery after treatment is just as crucial for a treatment center, if not more so than helping you get sober. The major of programming at any rehab center is focusing on building skills and habits that encourage long-term sobriety.

Anyone looking for a drug and/or alcohol inpatient rehab treatment is likely to have their insurance benefits considered if they are available. Alcohol rehabilitation is costly, but it does not have to break the bank if you have an insurer we accept.

Fill out our complimentary rehab insurance form and find out more information about your eligibility. It’s the first in living a life without dependency or addiction to drugs or alcohol.

  • Free life-long client alumni program.
  • Free life-long family support program
  • Specialized inpatient rehab addiction treatment teams
  • Complex Dual Diagnosis co-occurring secondary Mental Health Treatment
  • Accepts most insurance carriers
  • Provides affordable monthly plans
  • And affordable private pay plans
  • Now accepting Crypto-currency Addiction

FREE 24 hour Hotline: Get a free consultation on your best fitting treatment programs along with free rehab insurance verification.

Alcohol addiction rehab at a residential treatment program typically happens on a 30, 60, or 90-day basis.  Ideally, a patient will enter residential treatment and will undergo evaluation regularly to determine their progress.  This would be the sole factor in determining the length of their stay.  However, factors such as financial limitations and family or work obligations play into the decision.  Therefore, in some cases, individuals may spend longer than 90 days in their residential treatment program.

Impact of Co-occurring Mental Health Issues

Getting down to the nitty-gritty of why patients use while uncovering potential past traumas or latent mental health issues is by no means an easy task. Our specialists recognize this and are trained to communicate with patients in ways that allow them to uncover their addiction triggers and express how they are truly feeling. Also, our therapists engage with patients offering a crutch to assist them while they reveal these very difficult matters in individual and group therapy.

California Rehab
Another picture of patient Housing at We Level Up California Rehab located near the treatment building at 31631 Auto Center Dr, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

Among the more difficult and misunderstood factors resulting in relapse and going from one rehab to another is misunderstanding the unique way stigma and shame play a role in their addiction. In some instances, patients reveal issues that were haunting them fueling their substance use disorder. Only to realize during therapy, the damage and emotional trauma they may have caused to their families.

The shame for some can be almost unbearable. Treatment can support recovery by helping to lift the shame through therapy exploring how a patient is truly a different person when they are using. This intense shame furthers the addiction cycle but can be overcome when patients are taught how to focus on doing what they can to end their suffering from addiction.

Client Family and Alumni Teams Support During & Post Treatment

We Level Up California rehab strongly encourages post inpatient recovery treatment including involvement in addiction fellowship programs. We know patients need support to continue working on maintaining and continuing the therapy and coping skills we teach them. The We Level Up CA rehab alumni team is here to help you or your loved one battle their addiction, even after their treatment. Similarly, our family support team will provide critical advice and guidance for a loved one including explaining which treatment options are most suitable in your specific situation.